Key signs you invest too quickly when dating

I don't know about you, but back in the day when I was jumping from date to date, feeling more and more frustrated, there was a little trap I'd fall in to.


👉 I'd rarely meet someone I felt an ‘instant connection with, so when I did, I would become a leeeeetle obsessed about it working out, try to ‘secure’ the relationship and then be on tenterhooks waiting for something to go wrong. 


And this isn't unique to me. One of the biggest traps I see with clients, is they invest far too quickly when it comes to love and dating. 


If this sounds like you, here are some common signs you're over attaching, early. 


👉 You try and work out if you're a match just from a picture on Hinge and it takes up all your headspace 

👉 You pour all your energy into the messages, and expect marathon replies 

👉 You’re constantly checking for calls and texts

👉 You stop seeing friends, making plans and keeping up with your hobbies and self care

👉 You obsess about it ending and feel the pressure to ‘secure’ the relationship

👉 Any boundaries go out the window

👉 You fantasise about the future before you really know them

👉 You get anxious because of inconsistent communication, but won’t speak up

👉 You explain away the red flags because of your ‘connection’

👉 Their needs and expectations become your priority

👉 You don’t check in to see if you’re compatible and intentional dating takes a backseat 


If this sounds like you, then it's time to slow down and work on the reasons why this is your pattern, and how you can give relationships the time to flourish and grow, without suffocating them. 


Your energy, your space, your time, you, are bloody precious, and need to be given to people who deserve it. 


SO, ask yourself what you could do this week to put the energy and focus back on you? Hit reply with what your non-negotiable is. 



P.S If you'd like some further help on any of these points, then check out my flexible, self-study dating course, Become A Dating Ninja! 


Available this summer & £99, it's  designed to help you transform how you feel about dating AND how you're approaching it. 


You can check out all of the details here


You can purchase here

Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.



Signs you’re healing your relationship wounds