Signs you’re healing your relationship wounds

So I know sometimes it feels like when we're doing this ‘work’ we’re not ‘changing’ quick enough, or we get despondent because it’s not all flower crowns and rainbows…


But please take this as your reminder that progress isn’t going to mean perfection. It's not something to beat yourself over the head with. 


A lot of this journey is about putting one foot in front of the other and celebrating each small win. And that’s what coaching does. It keeps you accountable and guides you there quicker.


Chances are you're going to make mistakes, feel like you've taken three steps back and probably snog your ex. That's ok. It's what you to do pick yourself back up and reconnect to what your goals and what you want. 


SO, here are some key signs that you are healing your relationship wounds, even if you haven't noticed! 


1) You're beginning to accept however you're feeling when things pop up and don't berate yourself for it


2) You can lean into self-compassion and soothe yourself in moments of avoidance or anxiety


3) You're beginning to feel happiness rather than despondency if people around you meet someone, taking it as a sign it can and will happen for you


4) You are learning to step back rather than drive your romantic situation forward out of fear it won't work


5) You worry less about setting boundaries, speaking up and make a conscious effort to not mould yourself to what other people like


6) You find the highs and lows of dating someone unavailable less attractive


7) You might still think about someone in your past, but it becomes less frequent


8) you start to notice the mean voice that pops up, rather than accepting it as true


9) You might be triggered when rejection wounds pop up, but it consumes you for less time and you're able to connect back to yourself


If you need a helping hand, then I'm here! As you know, I'm off to Fiji and New Zealand for two months in December and January, which will very adjust the way I work. 


👉 If you want to work with me 1:1 for three months this year, then the latest start date will be mid September. Doors will then open again in Feb 2024! You can book your no-strings attached call to discuss the options, but you've got six weeks to decide HERE


👉  The final round of Leading in Love, the group coaching programme will start on 2nd October, you can join the waitlist for it HERE 


👉 I might create a new coaching container option, which is 6 weeks of support, depending on if this is something people want, so let me know if you'd be interested! 


Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.

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