Leading In Love
The 10 week bootcamp for women who want to kick their love life into shape and create happy, healthy relationships (with themselves and others)
“Taking the Leading in Love course with Caitlin was life changing. I have been struggling with being single and feeling like I am so behind in life but after this course I feel like I am right where I need to be. It has helped me take my power back and really feel in control of my love life for the first time ever. No more settling just for the attention, no more situationships and no more feeling like I am not worthy of an amazing love!”
Leading in Love is my immersive, 10 week digital programme that shows you how to recognise what’s keeping you stuck in dating and relationships, heal and release any heartbreak or past hurt, and embrace a new romantic chapter in your life, which is empowering, hopeful and happy.
It also gives you the practical strategy and tools you need to navigate (the sometimes chaotic) modern dating and attract an available, compatible partner who wants to commit. This inside-out approach allows you to rediscover and celebrate who you are, dream big and follow through with action.
No more being stuck in the same toxic relationship patterns, fixating on your ex, or wondering if you’re not lovable enough. Instead you let go of how you think life should look, embrace what is truly meant for you and refuse to settle for less.
It all starts with you my love, and I’m ready when you are.
Leading in love is for women who want to lead in their own love lives and find the joy again. Women who:
Are committed to change, taking responsibility and are no longer willing to settle
Are done with comparison, feeling left behind and having to tick societies boxes
Are ready to let go of going with the flow, people pleasing and hiding away
Know that this is their time to shine, learn to deeply respect themselves, trust where they are and find the joy in love again
In a nutshell? This is for you if you struggle romantically, dating feels like groundhog day and love feels out of reach. If so, I’d love to help you on your way.
Any of this sound familiar?
❌ You often describe yourself as ‘unlucky in love’ and wonder why it feels harder for you compared to your friends.
❌ You rarely meet anyone you like, but when you do your anxiety goes through the roof - you become obsessive, desperate for it to work, and then crushed if it doesn’t
❌ You say you want love, but actually you’ve spent years avoiding it using excuses that work is ‘too busy’, or perhaps becoming hyper-critical of those who you do meet
❌ You’re attracted to game players and people who can’t commit and push healthy love away, frequently getting ‘the ick’
What if this was you instead?
❣️ You no longer compare yourself to friends and family and feel left behind watching them have sprogs/ move in/ get married and instead trust that you are exactly where you're meant to be
❣️ Dating is no longer draining and disappointing, but instead you’re excited to get out there and see what happens, confident you’ll meet the right person
❣️ You stop settling for half measures, instead are crystal clear on what you're looking for and attract mature, emotionally available partners who want the same thing
❣️ You no longer feel like you’re auditioning for the role of girlfriend, hoping someone will pick you. Instead you speak up, own what you want and know who you are

Leading in love is for an exclusive group of women who are ready to ditch the disappointment of modern day dating and embrace connection. This is a 10 week immersive coaching programme where you’ll learn:
❣️ How to step back from control and into the trust that your one is on their way, so you finally have the space for love and can bring the joy back
❣️ What is keeping you stuck in your love life so you can connect the past to present and gain clarity on WHY you’re getting the results you see
❣️ How to rewrite your story and shine a light on any limiting beliefs and naughty behaviour, so you can make step by step change that improves your love life
❣️ Tap into what makes you extraordinary by embracing feminine energy and radical self-love whilst dating
❣️ How to build solid self-worth, confidence, implement AND communicate boundaries that will stop you from settling
❣️ How to manifest the love (and life) you want, that’s actually based on your core values, compatibility and a deeper connection
❣️ The practical low-down on dating, apps, red flags and ALL the ways you can meet someone, so you leave confident that you have the tools and resources to make it happen
Plus as a BONUS:
❣️ How to go deeper into attachment healing, managing anxiety and creating safety in the moment so dating doesn’t feel overwhelming
❣️ How to heal and forgive (including yourself) so you are no longer weighed down with past disappointment and heartbreak and can make room for something new
❣️ How to tap into and process difficult emotions such as shame, fear and anger
❣️ How to beat the comparison trap in your 30’s
❣️ How to manage difficult conversations and conflict whilst dating…
I’m choosing to run this in a group coaching format for two reasons. 1) you’ll hopefully surround yourself with a tribe of like minded women, who are at the same stage as you. You’ll no longer need to try and explain how you feel about your love life to friends who don’t quite get it. 2) I’ll be blunt. I want to help as many women as possible and it makes it more financially accessible (cheaper) for you than private 1:1 coaching!
What you get
👉🏼 7 modules (taught live each week by Caitlin) designed to overhaul your love life and how you feel about yourself
👉🏼 7 workbooks with daily and weekly practical exercises and action points, plus additional resources
👉🏼 8 weeks of live coaching and Q&A sessions with Caitlin, to keep you on track and dig deeper on what you’ve learned
👉🏼 2 built in break weeks, so you have dedicated time for reflection and creating space
👉🏼 Opportunity to include 1:1 coaching sessions with Caitlin
👉🏼 7 guided meditations and visualisations to help you deepen and connect with the modules
👉🏼 Bonus Module: Practical tools to master the emotions of anxiety, shame and anger…
👉🏼 Bonus Module: Learn how to heal & forgive the past, so you are no longer weighed down by old wounds…
👉🏼 Bonus workshop with guest expert on Healing Your Attachment Style
👉🏼 Bonus workshop with guest expert on How To Communicate Like a Boss
👉🏼 Bonus workshop with guest expert on F*ck the Timelines & Let Go of Comparison
👉🏼 Invitation to our private whatsap group
👉🏼 24/7 access for a year so you can come back to the content as often as you want
What Leading in Love members say
Taking the Leading in Love course with Caitlin was life changing. I have been struggling with being single and feeling like I am so behind in life but after this course I feel like I am right where I need to be. It has helped me take my power back and really feel in control of my love life for the first time ever. No more settling just for the attention, no more situationships and no more feeling like I am not worthy of an amazing love!
Caitlin guides you through all the steps to understanding why you’re stuck and how the stories you’ve told yourself create an identity of who you think you are when it comes to your love life. I’d recommend the course to anyone who feels stuck like I did and wants to take that step to feel more hopeful, open and prioritise you!
I showed up [in Leading in Love] because of a breakup that happened. Since then my ex has actually reached out (several times) and I haven’t replied because I finally realised that what he is offering it’s not enough for me! In the past I would have taken the breadcrumbs and been stuck back in the emotional rollercoaster. I have much more compassion for myself now, and I realised some of the things I thought about myself for 30 years just weren’t true which means I have a new chapter.

What I see…
I know that the thought of dating, being in a healthy long term relationship, or finding love can sometimes feel like an unattainable goal, reserved for the ‘lucky’ few. It can feel like you’re playing a game where you don’t know the rules or are being blocked at every turn.
Perhaps you’re sick of watching your friends coupling up whilst you’ve just been ghosted, come out of another failed situationship, or continually attract people who play hot and cold, which drives you to the point of obsession?
Maybe you’re the goldilocks of dating - you say you want a relationship but when it comes around you reject or sabotage it on the account that you’ve got ‘the ick’ or are bored, convinced that they’re not ‘quite right’?
Or perhaps the years of disappointment have left you feeling numb to it all and you prefer to keep yourself at a safe distance from drama, dating and love.
Or, (like me) all three scenarios might ring a bell - depending on our attachment tendency we can swing from avoidant and shutting down emotions, to anxiously clinging on to any emotionally unavailable love interest out of anxiety of being alone.
Regardless of how this manifests in our love life, there’s nothing more crushing than feeling that you're failing at love and being left behind. It can feel exhausting to be constantly revving yourself up to hit the dating apps once more, when all you want to is quit for good. When you feel stuck, and drained and disenchanted, it’s easy to start thinking that there’s something wrong with you, and that maybe it just won’t happen.
What I say…
I say enough. I say it’s time to stop feeling like this is just your lot in life and take back control. I say it’s time to stop calling yourself ‘unlucky in love’ and start doing the work.
It’s time to stop allowing your self-worth and confidence to be built on someone else finding you attractive. It’s time to quit waiting around for someone to ‘choose’ you, or ‘save’ you, or ‘fix’ you and instead fall in love with yourself, so you can welcome in a love that you deserve.
The reason this course is designed as an inside - out approach is because change starts with you. Your internal workings reflect outside results.
When you don’t like yourself, or don’t believe you can have love, then you tend to be attracted to people who offer you just that. They cheat, they blow hot and cold. They’re unavailable.
You can’t change the outside without looking in. And we can’t look within unless we’re willing to take responsibility for our thoughts, our patterns, our behaviour.
In other words, to break the cycle is to hold yourself accountable for your own love life and then take action. Because thinking (or knowing) that someone isn’t working, isn’t the same as doing something about it.
My mission with Leading in Love is to help you transform how you feel about yourself, and your love life, so you no longer think you’re unlovable, undeserving and potentially destined to be alone (like I did). Instead you’ll be happy, content and quietly confident that your partner is on their way. And until that person appears, you’ll be living your life on your own terms, thriving.
No more entertaining ghosters and people who can’t commit. No more chasing after people who don’t want to be caught. No more turning your back on love when it comes knocking because you’re scared of getting hurt again. No more indulging in the obsessive behaviour that might have shaped your love life so far. No more worrying yourself to sleep about when it’s going to happen. No more telling yourself you’re too much, or not enough, or too [fat/thin, tall/small, successful/not smart enough - you get the jist]
So, who’s ready?
What I want for you…
❣️To really get to grips with what is holding you back, take responsibility for your love life and change the destructive patterns and thought processes that are keeping you in toxic situations. You’ll finally be able to recognise WHY you’re attracted to the unavailable person (and keep going back for more) so you can spot the warning signs and choose differently this time
❣️To let go of and heal from past disappointment and pain (and possibly your ex) so you so you can approach love from place of hope and excitement
❣️To stop worrying about age, time and where your life 'should' be and fully embrace where you are just now, trusting that what is meant for you is just around the corner and you are building a life you can only dream of
❣️To find your voice and learn to speak up, rather than settling for half measures and ending up in ‘situationships’ with people who can’t commit. Instead you will be able to show up confidently, own what you want and attract secure, available people who want the same thing
❣️To no longer be waiting for someone to ‘choose’ you to make you feel worthy of love. Instead you’re in the driving seat, doing the choosing, confident you have amazing options out there
❣️To really, truly be happy in your own company so you learn to value what you have to offer, rather than feeling the ‘pressure’ to perform on endless dates
❣️And last but not least, find your tribe of happy, self-assured, empowered women who want to lead in their own love life
What previous clients say
I cannot recommend Caitlin enough…I am still so grateful for Caitlin and all the help she gave me. I am a more confident, happier and secure person and now I have a wonderful boyfriend and a healthy relationship!
My time spent with Caitlin was beyond my wildest expectations. Since then, I have also met the love of my life and now have a fulfilling and amazing relationship.
I wanted to share some news with you - I got engaged yesterday, which is so much down to your support and encouragement! The stars definitely aligned when I found out about you

Getting Personal - Why Me?
They say that your deepest pain point and your greatest lesson is where you can have the most effect helping others, and oh boy is that true for me! Unlike a lot of other coaches who teach about dating and relationships because it came easy for them, the opposite is true for me. It was my own story that inspired me to start helping other women move from a place of feeling broken, lost and alone, to feeling whole, complete and hopeful.
If you had said to my friends that I would end up helping women get great relationships and heal their love lives, they would have laughed. As I am probably the least likely person to become a Love & Relationship Coach. I was an absolute nightmare when it came to my own love life. I wasted years either blowing hot and cold and shutting down my emotions, or living in months of anxiety and panic, clinging on to any emotionally unavailable love interest that showed a bit of potential, out of fear of being alone.
I have been the girl who allowed guys to pick me up and drop me. I’ve been the girl waiting in the wings for someone to change, to commit and to decide that I am good enough. I’ve been the girl who has treated the good guy badly and hurt people with my own behaviour. I’ve been the girl who couldn’t commit. I’ve been the girl numbing out of life, hoping someone would notice and fix me. I’ve been the girl waiting to be chosen.
So, trust me, I know.
Because I am proof that you can change your story. I am proof that this works. At my lowest moment, I decided to stop looking for Prince Charming to ride in and fix me, and I got to work. I spent months reading, listening, writing, working, coaching and step by step changed my life. And within a year I went from serial dater to engaged to the love of my life.
I can show you how to do the same.
Module Breakdown
Module 1: Setting Your Course & Creating Space for Love
How to step back from control and into the trust that your one is on their way, so you finally have the space for love and can bring the joy back.
In order to call love in, you need to have the emotional, physical and energetic space to let go of the old, and welcome in the new. During the first week, we are getting clear on your romantic vision and harnessing the right mindset and leaning into the principles of Law of Attraction so you can lean into the trust that your one is on their way.
Module 2: Find out what’s keeping you stuck…
Learn what is keeping you stuck in your love life so you can connect the past to present and gain clarity on WHY you’re getting the results you see.
During this week we go back to the beginning and dig deep to find out what is truly keeping you stuck in your love life. This means connecting the past and present so you can gain clarity on your attachment patterns and any unconscious blocks that are getting in your way. Module 2 is designed to uncover the core of your romantic struggles and bring awareness to your love blueprint, so you can break the cycle once and for all. It may not always be easy, but it is a crucial step towards healing your love life and you will be fully supported every step of the way.
Module 3: Mastering The Shadows…
Rewrite your story and shine a light on any limiting beliefs and naughty behaviour so you can make step by step change that improves your love life.
Module 3 is designed to help you rebuild your belief system and change the way you feel about yourself, relationships, love and dating. We’ll look closely at how thoughts shape your reality and how the language, emotions and behaviour that you are (consciously and subconsciously) using can create destructive patterns and damage your confidence, and relationships. In this module, you will be gently guided to look closely at your own behaviour and to take responsibility for the part you have played
Reflection week
Taking a week to reflect, catch up and implement what we’ve learned so far. 1:1 coaching with Caitlin will also be available in the VIP package!
Module 4: Access Your Unique Power
Tap into what makes you extraordinary by embracing radical self-love, increasing your confidence, and leaning into feminine energy…
Ready to stop hiding in the wings and become your own leading lady? This is one of the most powerful modules that will help you increase your inner power and confidence, so you become a magnet for attracting your perfect match. We’ll be digging deep to get to the core of what makes you and introduce the practice that helps you build confidence and direction, quickly. You’ll also learn how to lean back in love and embrace feminine energy when it comes to dating, you will no longer be settling for breadcrumbs, or chasing unavailable love.
Module 5: Creating (and Communicating) Rock Solid Boundaries
Learn the art of creating, and communicating rock solid boundaries in a way that is irresistible.
Here, we’ll be putting practical steps and boundaries in place to make sure you don’t slide back into old behaviours, as well as learning how to communicate in the early stages of dating, so not only do you get what you’re looking for, feel great whilst doing it. This is all about connecting to your unique power, speaking up and living life so you THRIVE.
Reflection week
Taking a week to reflect, catch up and implement what we’ve learned so far. 1:1 coaching with Caitlin will also be available in the VIP package!
Module 6: Calling in the (Right) One
How to manifest the love (and life) you want, that’s actually based on your core values, compatibility and a deeper connection
Feeling good? I thought so! This is the module where you get to create your romantic vision based on your own values and what you really desire, rather than what you think you want. We’ll be preparing you to get into the space to call in your ideal partner as well as looking at who is truly compatible with you and what kind of relationship that will make you happy and lift you up. Plus you’ll learn the strategies and tips to keep this vision alive, well after this course is over.
Module 7: Master the Dating Dance
The action plan that allows you to create a life full of possibility, as well as call in your partner, so you leave confident that you have the tools and resources to make it happen
Module 7 puts the final piece of the puzzle together by helping you create a strategic action plan to get the most out of dating, including how to communicate when dating to get what you want, how and where to meet people (including in real life), and how to make the most out of the apps, so they don’t rule your life. Plus we’ll look at how to tell when it’s right, what red flags to look out for, the communication tips that will save you time, how to show up authentically on dates being the most magnetic version of you (and perhaps some flirting tips thrown in). By the end of the eight weeks (where we end with a check in and celebration) you’ll have a roadmap to keep you on track and moving forward to create a life that you love, and a healthy, happy relationship.
Celebration Ceremony
The final meeting of the course is to celebrate what we have learned so far and make the commitments that will carry us forward! We’ll dress up and grab a drink via zoom!
Bonus Module:
Practical somatic tools to master the emotions of anxiety, shame and anger…
Bonus Module:
Learn how to heal & forgive the past, so you are no longer weighed down by resentment and can let go of old wounds…
Bonus Module:
Healing Your Attachment Style with Carly-Ann: get deeper into attachment healing and learn about the zone of tolerance
Bonus Module:
F*ck the Timelines with Emma Wilson, The Turning 30 Coach: learn how to ditch the comparison trap and timelines
Bonus Module:
Communicate Like A Boss with Amira Manson, The Communication Expert: learn how to expertly manage difficult dating conversations and conflict
Please note that the order and content of modules may change depending on the needs and interests of each coaching in take.
This is an immersive online, live group course. Masterclasses and group coaching will be held on Zoom for each module. You will have access to recordings, videos, teachings and all workbooks in your login area.
This is a live programme, so you’ll get access to a module each week. Once live you will have access to the masterclass, group coaching, workbook, meditation and any other additional resources, including bonus content.
No you don’t - I know jobs and timezones can make things tricky! Once the Masterclass has been recorded live, you will have access to it to replay at any time. For support in between modules, an online secure platform will be used for messages, so you will still have the accountability of other amazing women.
Being honest, this is a bootcamp for your love life, so it’s a commitment. You’ll need a couple of hours a week to catch up on the recording, plus an hour for the practises and exercises. If you fall behind on the exercises and life gets in the way, no worries as you will still have access to it and can return again.
Yes, there is an option to pay up front or in three payments (I trust you to follow through and honour your commitment of the payments). You will still have access to everything as usual.
❣️ 7 immersive step-by-step modules (taught live each week by Caitlin) designed to overhaul your love life and how you feel about yourself
❣️ 7 workbooks with daily and weekly practical exercises to to help you integrate the lessons, plus additional resources
❣️ 8 weeks of live coaching and Q&A sessions with Caitlin, to deepen your understanding and hold you accountable for the work you’re doing
❣️ 7 guided meditations and visualisations to help you uplevel your romantic life
❣️ 2 reflection weeks where you can implement what you’ve learned in your own time
❣️ Group coaching support in between sessions
❣️ Bonus workshop with guest experts on Healing Your Attachment Style, Communicating like a Boss, Dealing with Comparison in your 30’s
❣️ Invitation to our private FB Group Leading in Love, only for members where you can continue your accountability journey together
❣️ 24/7 access so you can come back to the content as often as you want, for at least 12 months
❣️ Opportunity to upgrade and include 1:1 coaching sessions with Caitlin
As much as I would LOVE one, sadly I don’t have a crystal ball, so no, I can’t guarantee when or how you will meet someone (or what they’ll look like) - everyone’s situation is a little bit different. But what I can give you is the tools and techniques so you can recognise what’s keeping you stuck in dating and relationships, heal and release any heartbreak or past hurt, and embrace a new romantic chapter in your life, which is empowering, hopeful and happy and attracts the relationship you deserve.
Not only have I been on the same journey (and yes, I’ve done the exercises I’ll give you) but I’ve taken dozens of my 1:1 clients through it - and we’ve had engagements, amazing romantic relationships and most importantly, this work has transformed how they feel about themselves.
But, I’m going to be blunt and say that this course is NOT for you if:
❌You expect instant results with minimal/ no effort. This isn’t a ‘quick’ fix where I give you a script to make someone ‘fall in love with you.’ This work goes deep, and is designed to make big shifts in your life. It requires commitment, consistency and stepping out of your comfort - no risk no reward.
❌ You’re not prepared to rethink your attitude and give love a chance. To start this course, we need a positive attitude and at least that you’re prepared to think there are good people out there. I know that you’ve probably been burned a few times, and might even be verging on cynical, but showing up with a negative attitude does more harm than good, and it creates a horrible environment for the others on the course.
❌ You don’t want to learn. A lot of the content on the course will be new to you, and most importantly, you’ll be held VERY accountable for putting it into practice, but some of it you may have heard before. To get the best results you need to approach the course from a place of curiosity and with fresh ears and a growth mindset.
Become Your Leading Lady is tailored exactly to what every individual client needs, so the coaching sessions, homework and follow-up is bespoke, plus you get over 7 hours of 1:1 coaching with me, plus 1:1 support in between. Think of it as three months of personal training for your love life and think of Leading in Love as your group bootcamp! Leading in Love will give you the teachings and exercises that will heal and transform your relationships, but it can’t be tailored to each individual. There is also no one to one time unless you choose to upgrade to the VIP package.
I’m choosing to run this in a group coaching format for two reasons. 1) You’ll surround yourself with a tribe of like minded women, who are at the same stage as you. 2) I’ll be blunt. I want to help as many women as possible and it makes it more financially accessible (cheaper) for you than private 1:1 coaching!
A journal with plenty of room and a mindset that’s excited! We’ll ask you to watch a couple of welcome videos before we go, but otherwise it’s a step-by-step guide led by yours truly, so you won’t ever get lost!