The Compatibility Coach

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How to let go of timelines

I was thinking earlier about a beautiful client who went on a date last week.


She was able to go in with zero expectations and zero pressure, and allowed herself to slow down and listen. From that space, she was able to clock that the hottie in front of her (who she's previously been pretty invested in) was absolutely NOT the person for her. Whilst they had a whole lotta chemistry, key compatibility elements were missing. I was so proud of the way she held herself and the lightness she was able to feel with the whole experience. She trusted something more was out there, and her own intuition. 


And for me, that is the biggest gift you can give yourself when dating - the freedom to slow down, to let things unfold, without having to force something or suffocate it. 


And I don't say that lightly. 

Because I know that it can feel like everyone around you is getting married, or engaged or popping sprogs out.

I know that the pressure of trying to ‘find’ a partner can feel like a pressure cooker.


Back in the day I was known as the one who was ‘always’ single. ​​​​​​​​

Which meant I was on a constant rollercoaster of emotions whilst I watched friends fall in love, get engaged and happily move on. I’d see friends break up with boyfriends, and then watch them happily swan into new LOVELY relationships a short while later. ​​​​​​​​

And I was left scratching my head wondering what was wrong with me?! I’d never had a proper relationship, so when would it be MY turn? When would it happen?  

Don’t get me wrong, I was thrilled for my friends. I wanted nothing more than to see them happy. But seeing the contrast between where they were, and what was happening in my own love life was painful. ​​​​​​​​

A helluva lot of work I did was learning to step back, get clear on MY life vision and stop bloody waiting around for my life to start. 


Doing this transformed my energy AND my mindset.