Why everyone gets serious about dating in September

I don't know about you, but September always marks a change in the year for me. 


Days grow shorter, the air gets a little cooler (well, apart from this badass week) and our energy and thoughts shift. With three months of the year left, we get clearer on direction, goals and reset. 


The Autumn Equinox (23rd September) also indicated a moment of stillness, where we get to turn inwards - in other words, it's a bloody wonderful time for reflection AND action. 


And people funnel this into their love lives. It's my busiest (and favourite) time of the year for work, as people embrace the ‘back to school mentality’ and get serious about their love lives! Here's why: 


👉 With the start of the ‘cuffing season’ and dark cosy nights drawing in, dating apps are never busier

👉 People physically have more time when summer draws to an end 

👉 Autumn is a romantic time of year 

👉 If looking for love is a priority, people want to give it their all before another year comes around (Auntie Brenda's Christmas questions are looming) 


SO I'm blaaaady excited to tell you that I'm opening the next intake of Leading in Love, the LIVE 10 week coaching bootcamp designed to give you back the trust, hope and joy, as well as the very practical tools that will help you manifest love, quicker. 


There is an EarlyBird discount code EARLYBIRDLIL for £100 off which can be used by Sunday 17th September. 


👉 You can check out all the info HERE

👉 Book your 15 min call to chat it through HERE


Leading in Love is for you if: 


❌ You often describe yourself as ‘unlucky in love’ and wonder why it feels harder for you compared to your friends.

❌ You're starting to panic about time, and age and ‘when’ it's going to happen

❌ You rarely meet anyone you like, but when you do your anxiety goes through the roof - you become obsessive, desperate for it to work, and then crushed if it doesn’t

❌ You say you want love, but actually you’ve spent years avoiding it using excuses that work is ‘too busy’, or perhaps becoming hyper-critical of those who you do meet

❌ You’re attracted to game players and people who can’t commit and push healthy love away, frequently getting ‘the ick’


Because it does NOT have to feel like this. You can check out these Leading in Love transformation reviews below ⬇️


P.S If you're excited to get into the September Dating spirit, but don't think group coaching is for you, then the last opportunity to start 1:1 coaching is the last week in September. I'm off to Fiji and New Zealand for two months in December and January!  Doors will then open again in Feb 2024! You can book your no-strings attached call to discuss the options  HERE

Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.


I’d never had a boyfriend


How to let go of timelines