I’d never had a boyfriend

I was recording a podcast the other day and the topic of my relationship history came up. My amazing co-host (big love Carly-Ann) was shocked to hear that before I met my (now) husband, I'd never had a boyfriend. 


Yes, no first love at 16. No relationship in my early 20's. It took until I was about 27! 


And it reminded me just how embarrassed I used to feel around my love life. I'd watch mate jump from relationship to relationship, wondering how the hell they got passed the ‘seeing’ each other phase! 


Getting a ‘boyfriend’ felt like a badge of honor I was missing out on, because there was something wrong with me. Every failed situationship made me feel left behind, alone and like a big fat failure. ​​​​​​​​


The harder I tried and chased, the worse things seemed to get.


👉 But what I didn’t realise was that the results I was getting in my own love life was a mirror to what was going on internally with me. I didn’t really like myself, I didn’t think that it would happen, and my subconscious belief was that you can’t really trust men, or love. So, hey presto. I was attracted to people who proved exactly that. They were unavailable. They blew hot and cold. They treated me like I was disposable. ​​​​​​​​


I had to undo all of that bullshit to get to where I am now. 


SO, why am I sharing this little fact with you? 


Well, I know that the same story is true for so many of my clients. They feel ashamed about never having a relationship, or not being able to get passed the 3 date, or month mark. 


But truthfully, your past, or what you haven't had (yet) does NOT need to dictate the future you have. 


Personally, doing this work, I went to never having had a relationship, to engaged within a year to an amazing human who is exactly right for me. 


But most importantly, I also changed the relationship I had with myself. 


Which is why I created Leading In Love, in the first place. To give you the platform to start your own journey in calling love in. 


I'll be teaching you the exact steps I took, and the lessons I had to learn to undo the years of failed dates, crap beliefs and childhood issues. And we'll also be working on giving you ALL of the ingredients you need to find and keep that beautiful relationship with yourself and others. 


Leading in Love is the LIVE 10 week coaching bootcamp designed to give you back the trust, hope and joy, as well as the very practical tools to survive the dating game. 

👉 You can check out all the info HERE

👉 Book your 15 min call to chat it through HERE


Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.


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