The Compatibility Coach

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6 ways to trust is IS going to happen for you

So, one thing that all my clients have in common is that they have all struggled in the past to trust that one day they will meet someone. That if they want it to, it will happen for them. 

And I get it. Sometimes the dating app disappointment, or feeling like ‘all the good ones have been taken’ or perhaps being ghosted once too often can leave you in a pit of grumpy despair, especially if you’re feeling left behind and watching friends move on.  

And it means we fall back into the trap of saying ‘it’s not fair’ or ‘why me’ or ‘it’s alright for them, they’ve [xyz]’. 

In other words, we stop trusting that there is a plan. We stop trusting that the best is yet to come. We stop trusting that no matter what challenges we’re facing, we will look back in five years and say ‘I see’. 

One of the trickiest parts of our journey to self-acceptance and love is learning to trust in something BEFORE having the evidence that it’s on its way. 

But it's also one of the most crucial things you can do. Because life isn’t based on conditions. We can’t say, ‘ok, I’ll be a good person but ONLY if I get this.’ Or ‘I’ll leave that relationship that is toxic ONLY if I get another partner in three weeks.’ Choosing to live from a space of generosity, excitement and love isn’t contingent on getting something in return. You can’t only give to gain. Or give something up to gain. 

We have to learn to take the next step, to take risks, to leave behind things that no longer serve us, knowing (and trusting) that we will be ok. In other words, you have to be willing to step into the unknown, and let go of the need to control. 

So, here are 6 ways that you can begin to trust yourself, others, and that it will happen… 

1️⃣ First and foremost, learn to build up the trust you have with yourself. Do little things like finishing your to do list, or keep your word to yourself. Teach yourself that you can be relied on 

2️⃣ Allow yourself to rely on your friends and loved ones to be there to support you. This may mean you open up a little more, you ask them for something that you wouldn’t usually. 

3️⃣Repeat the mantra “What is meant for me will not miss me. I trust that everything is unfolding as it should.”

4️⃣ Step into gratitude and get out of a lack of mode. How often do you moan or complain about what you don’t have rather than what you do? Write three things a day that you’re truly grateful for.

5️⃣ Keep a little list of all the good things and signs that you’re being supported 

6️⃣ Practice a growth mindset and learn to let go of the attachment to the outcome

I have 5 spots for one to one coaching with me in May, so you can book your call below if you fancy a chat.

