5 ways to spring clean your love life!

Caitlin Smith, Love & Dating Coach Says, 

“So this week marks the first day of Spring, and the Spring Equinox, the new astrological year. As nature emerges from hibernation, you do too. Days get longer, warmer and allow more freedom, and brings a new hope and lightness with it.

I know that for many people, this winter has been a tougher place than usual, with uncertainty and scarcity at the forefront of people’s minds. So, allow this week to be your new beginning. 

It’s a magical time to manifest fresh starts, clearing out old energy and allowing yourself to bloom. It’s also the time to draw a line under past romantic encounters, let go of the old stories about not meeting anyone, and decide how YOU want your romantic life to feel. 

So, here’s five ways you can spring clean your love life this week, and get ready to call in the new. 

Clear out the old…

When it comes to our romantic patterns, it’s natural to look to the past and what we’ve already experienced as an inclination for what’s to come. However, we want to be actively creating a new future, one that’s based on consciousness, hope and happiness. So, use this time to clear out what is keeping you in the past. This could mean decluttering your home, your bedroom, old mementos from your ex, even old outfits, or unfollowing past Hinge dates on instagram. Anything that you’ve been holding on to that represents who you were, rather than who you want to be. We want to start with a clean slate, and clearing out your physical environment is a great symbolic way to start. 

Look at your environment… 

Now we move onto what you’re surrounding yourself with, and what your space says about you. Marianne Williamson says, make space for love and it always comes, but make a home for love and it always settles (I’m paraphrasing, but you get the jist!) So take a good look around and create an environment where partnership and love feels welcome. This could mean buying that second bedside table, keeping a draw free in your wardrobe, or putting up new artwork. I’d also suggest going one step further and look at your digital space. Does it make you feel hopeful and excited, or are you sucked into comparison? Alter accordingly. 

Create the space you need… 

As a general rule, you’re only given what you have the space to receive. So, if you want an exciting, amazing relationship (or just fun dates) you need to have the space, practically and energetically. So, look at your energy levels and your diary. Because if your energy is low and your diary is full, we’ve got some changes to make. Think about how much time and energy you would like to give a new partner, and block this time out. You can either spend it refilling your own cup, or spend it working on your romantic life! 

Get clear on your vision… 

It’s time to get excited about what’s to come! Spend some time getting really clear on your vision of the future - what you want and how you want it to feel. Write a list of all the amazing qualities you want in a partner and the life you’d build together. Write anything and everything down and don’t censor yourself. 

Get accountable! 

And last but not least, now ask yourself are there any changes you need to make in order to call that person in? Are you able to match what you want? For example, if ‘integrity’ is on your list as a value they have, are you ghosting dates or friends? If ‘positive mindset’ is on your list, but you bitch about others, then will that align? Get really honest about where you can clean up your behaviour. 

By taking active steps on letting go and looking forward you can move forward feeling good and getting ready for the magic to unfold. 

As always, keep me updated along the way!”

Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.


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 “The ones I like don’t like me (or aren’t available, or decent humans) and the ones who DO like me, I don’t fancy.”