Your free 4 day January challenge designed to help you reset your romantic patterns and vision for 2023.

✅ 4 days

✅ 4 simple steps

Join us on the 16th - 19th January 2023

This is for people who: 

❣️ Are excited to call love in for 2023 and feel like it’s their time 

❣️ Are bored of making new year's resolutions that don’t stick 

❣️ Are ready to get clear on their romantic vision and learn about themselves  

❣️ Want to figure out who they should be dating in line with their values 

❣️ Are willing to take new steps to create change (rather than just hoping a relationship happens)

❣️Want to step into the new year hopeful and happy, leaving any feelings of romantic disappointment behind

This challenge will…

✅ Allow you to have a fresh start when it comes to love and learn more about yourself 

✅ Give you the space to really think about what you want in 2023 (romantically and otherwise) so you get clear on your priorities and make empowered decisions to reach these goals 

✅Get to know yourself and your values, so you are clear on who you want to bring into your life

✅Hold you accountable for what hasn’t worked so far, and what might be holding you back, so you can take clear, practical steps going forward

✅ Help you physically and emotionally create the space to welcome love into your life

✅ Leave the past (or your ex) behind in 2022

Once upon a time, every New Year I’d make a resolution that finally my romantic luck would turn and everything would slot into place. I’d quietly tell myself that “this is THE year” and I’d go on my merry way,  hopeful and happy. I’d also make the usual resolutions about being kinder to myself, losing weight yada yada. 

However, as the weeks passed, nothing would change. Familiar patterns would emerge and I’d carry on dating in the same way, getting the same results. Those pesky anxious thoughts would creep back in, and my inner critic would pop back up. Then the commitment would be replaced by anxiety that it wouldn’t happen, or disappointment would lead to romantic ambivalence, and I'd start telling myself I didn’t care anyway.  

Sound familiar? 

Thought so! After years of coaching (firstly myself and then other amazing people) I’ve come to realise that if you want different results, you have to be prepared to try something new. 

SO, this year, let’s harness the hope and fresh start that the new year brings but combine it with positive action! And let’s have fun.  

I want to help you put your best foot forward with embracing love, so you can finally ditch the disappointment and strut into 2023 empowered and hopeful. I want you showing up on dates with ease and confidence, clear on what you’re looking for and who you're compatible with. I want you to become your own biggest cheerleader, so you no longer compromise your standards and boundaries and settle for breadcrumbs. I want you to feel like laughing rather than crying when a nosy family member quizzes you about your love life. And most of all, I want you to recognise your self-worth, so you no longer feel like there is ‘something wrong with you’’. 

And whilst that’s not an overnight fix, I want to set the groundwork for you to create real change in your love life, and set you up for the rest of 2023. 

What it will look like

What it will look like

Which is why I’m running a fun, 4 day (free challenge) so you can reset your romantic patterns and vision in 2023

Day 1: Your Values

Monday 16th Jan 2023

Before you can figure out what you want or how to get it, you need to know who you are. Most of the heartache and strife comes from when we’re dating or acting outside of our core values. So, we’ll get to the bottom of the authentic values that will shape every area of your life, especially when it comes to love. From this you’ll quickly be able to work out when you’re dating in alignment with your values and goals and create a vision that feels authentic. Join me live on Zoom at 6.30pm for the 20-minute Masterclass and your first challenge.

Day 2: Your Vision

Tuesday 17th Jan 2023

Here we will be creating your exciting vision for 2023, and narrowing down your priorities to create a happy, healthy life that you love. Within that we’ll be looking at where you are, and where you want to be, so you are clear on the steps you need to take. ​​Join me live on Zoom at 6.30pm for the 20-minute Masterclass and your second challenge.

Day 3: Your Inventory

Wednesday 18th Jan 2023

Saying you want something isn’t enough. You have to be willing to let go of what you’ve believed so far so you can make the space for something new. SO, on the final day we’ll be clearing the emotional and physical space you need to welcome love in. We might be getting rid of old messages or even getting you rearranging furniture. Join me live on Zoom at 6.30pm for the 20-minute Masterclass and your final challenge.

Day 4: Your Space

Thursday 19th Jan 2023

Now we get serious! Once we’re clear on your vision, we’ll be doing a deep dive into what could hold you back from creating this and the relationship you want. We’ll be holding you accountable and getting really honest about any unhelpful patterns (whether it’s a limiting belief, or an ex) that could be blocking you from finding love, to pave the way for something new. Join me live on Zoom at 6.30pm for the 20-minute Masterclass and your third challenge

The Practicalities

👉This is a free 4 day challenge but requires commitment and follow through 

👉 Each live session will be held on Zoom at 6.30 on Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th, Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th of January

👉Replays will be sent out the following day for you to catch up if you can’t make it live 

👉You will have access to this until 14th February  

👉Workbooks will be provided but bring a pen and notepad