Your 2022 Reflections - simple questions to ask yourself

Hi gorg, 

Popping up before all the ‘new year, new me’ content starts whizzing around. If you’re anything like me, I actually like to do some gentle reflection and planning in December, so I end the year feeling proud of where I’ve come from, grateful for what I have and excited for the following year. 


So, here are the 10 questions I ask myself each year, which you can do in your own time. 


  1. Think back to five years ago, how has life changed for you and what are you most proud of? 

  2. Looking back over the last year, what went well? What are you proud of yourself for?

  3. When were you happiest over the last year and why? 

  4. How can you do/bring more of that in 2023 to make your happiness the priority? 

  5. What didn’t go quite the way you’d hoped? What did you learn? 

  6. Is there anyone you need to forgive, or any resentment you need to let go of?

  7. If you were guaranteed to succeed in 2023, what would you like to happen?

  8. What do you need to stop doing this year that will prevent you from getting what you desire?

  9. What could you start doing in order to move this forward?

  10. And finally, what advice would your 80 year old self give your current self? 


If you’d like a bit of help with planning the next year, on 16th January I’m running a free 4 day challenge called Your Romantic Rewrite, designed to reset your romantic patterns and vision for 2023 (and have fun). 


This challenge will: 

✅ Allow you to have a fresh start when it comes to love and learn more about yourself 

✅ Give you the space to really think about what you want in 2023 (romantically and otherwise) so you get clear on your priorities and make empowered decisions to reach these goals 

✅Get to know yourself and your values, so you are clear on who you want to bring into your life

✅Hold you accountable for what hasn’t worked so far, and what might be holding you back, so you can take clear, practical steps going forward

✅ Help you physically and emotionally create the space to welcome love into your life

✅ Leave the past (or your ex) behind in 2022


If you’d like to know more about it, you can click here

Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.

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