Funny isn’t, we’ll meet someone who isn’t available, triggers our abandonment wounds and turns us into an obsessive anxious wreck. 


And rather than saying goodbye, we bloody well invite them in! 


Well no more. 


Because if you want to make space for a healthy, emotionally available partner, you have to heal the part of you that is attracted to chaos and unavailable love. 


And for me, part of the process is understanding the reason behind this attraction. If you’re like me… 


👉 You might be drawn to unavailable men because somewhere down the line you learned that love is when someone can’t show up for you


👉 You might feel safer with someone who doesn't really see or hear you, because there’s no real chance of commitment 


👉 You might see your own unavailability mirrored back in others (my lightbulb moment) 


👉 You might be unconsciously drawn to the emotional dynamics and role models from childhood 


👉 You Attachment Style might mean that the rollercoaster of chaos and chasing is normal 


👉 Bad boys, or people who don’t care might seem more exciting and satisfy that craving for drama and validation 


👉 Or to be honest, you might have just have watched one too many rom coms 

Whatever the reason, the next part is learning to regulate and soothe the need for this kind of attachment, and re-learn what calm, healthy love feels like. 


It’s a bloody process, and one that I love and am here for (probably because it reminds me of my own bullsh*t back in the day). 


SO, if you’d like to start somewhere, and you’re ready to work with me, you can click here 

Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.


How to meet people (outside of dating apps)


The reality of raising your standards when dating 🥴