How to meet people (outside of dating apps)

I don’t know about you but all my clients go through peaks and troughs with dating apps, and at the moment for a lot of them they’re in can’t-be-arsed- dip! 

So, whilst I’m not going to preach on about how you can make dating apps work for you (I’ll be covering that in Leading in Love), here are some quick fire ways to create more opportunities to meet people IRL, without feeling like a weirdo… 

  1. Get off your phone, take your headphones out and make eye contact with people and smile 

  2. Get more involved with your local community. Go to fun events such as cinema nights/food markets, volunteer, whatever floats your boat. 

  3. Move towards what gives you energy. Aka, what do you enjoy doing? Do more of that. Join groups and activities that you like. You’re more likely to form connections when you’re happy than on an app where you can’t be arsed. Please remember this isn’t about going somewhere to solely meet someone you fancy. You never know where it will lead - I met my husband by reconnecting with an old friend and socialising with their friends. 

  4. Get in line. Yes, I mean any line… at the bar, pub, coffee shop, I don’t care. The stats say that people hate queing  and they’ll happily have a conversation to alleviate the time

  5. Join the gym and go to the events. Talk to people  

  6. Book a solo or group trip somewhere you’ve always wanted to go

  7. Say yes to invites you’d usually turn down 

  8. Actively ask friends, friends of friends, colleagues and family to set you up 

  9. Create conversation openers when out and about

    Please remember this isn’t about going somewhere to solely meet someone you fancy. You never know where it will lead - I met my husband by reconnecting with someone from my old town, who worked within the same business and socialising with their friends. Focus on building connections with people who you meet and like, even if it’s not a romantic one - expanding your social circle is an excellent way to meet new people.

Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.

13 lessons I had to learn before I met my husband
