Why everything can go to 💩 when dating

👉 So you may have seen on insta that I’m currently running a workshop on how to break the cycle of toxic (or really fooking boring) dating patterns. This could include sneaky little situations like: 


❣️Getting stuck on the emotional rollercoaster of the anxious / avoidant dance

❣️ Never getting past the three date or three month mark

❣️Chasing unavailable people​​​​​​​​ or ending up in situationships 

❣️Losing yourself when in a relationship

❣️Moulding yourself to what another person wants or needs​​​​​​​​

❣️Fearing intimacy and closeness ​​​​​​​​(struggle with eye contact etc)

❣️Inability to ask for help or rely on others ​​​​​​​​

❣️Staying wayyyy too long!​​​​​​​​

❣️Running from conflict or instigating conflict to create highs/lows 


And whilst it’s incredibly frustrating to feel like you’re back at square one, the reality is, we’re all hard wired to look for what is familiar and known. We like patterns, we seek them out. But the kicker comes in when your patterns (and the naughty limiting beliefs that support them) aren’t serving you, or are destructive. 


So, if you find yourself ending up in situations that feel like crap, or don’t inspire you, or you feel stuck, this is where we have to start. Because where there is repetition, we have to look under the bonnet. 


We can’t keep logging back onto dating apps, repeating the same cycles and hoping something is going to change. The only thing that has the power to do that is you. 


This isn’t a workshop for the fainthearted. We’re not going to go through how to get the best from dating apps, or chat about red flags (though, I have a masterclass coming soon on JUST this). We’re digging down. 


This will require you to take a huggge amount of responsibility for the results that you’re seeing in your love life, as well as exploring why we’re picking certain patterns and ending up in certain situations. You will then be given a sh*t tonne of homework to go and start creating this change. Because whilst awareness is a baddie, it ain't going to get you change alone.  

C x

Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.


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