Simple questions that will set you up for 2022

Firstly, I hope you had a LOVELY Christmas. 

And secondly, I know you might be bored of the whole ‘new year, new me’ content that’s whizzing around at the moment, but I wanted to ask you some questions that you can work through, in your own time, and when you feel ready, that will help make 2022 the best year yet. 

So, here they are: 

  1. Looking back over the last year, what went well? What are you proud of yourself for? 

  2. What didn’t go quite the way you’d hoped? What did you learn? What are you willing to take responsibility for? 

  3. Is there anyone you need to forgive, or any resentment you need to let go of? 

  4. If you were guaranteed to succeed in 2022, what would you like to happen? 

  5. What do you need to stop doing this year that will prevent you from getting what you desire? 

  6. What could you start doing in order to help you get what you want? 

  7. And finally, what advice would your 80 year old self give your current self? 

I’d also just like to end by saying that rather than making a list of new years resolutions (which ya mightttt not stick to), instead why don’t you pick yourself an ‘anchor’ word (or two).

What I mean by this is choose a word, or two, that you will use to guide you through the next year, which is inline with how you want to feel, and what you’d ideally like to accomplish. SO, your anchor word could be anything from ‘brave’, to ‘open’ to ‘connection’ to ‘adventure’ to ‘love’ to ‘kindness’ etc. 

This means rather than saying something like “it’s my resolution to loose 10 pounds” or “I HAVE to start dating in the new year”, the conversation goes like this: 

“Ok, so my anchor words are brave and openness, so it would be brave to start dating again, and I promise to be open to opportunities that come along.” 

“Ok, so my anchor words are health and love, so to demonstrate that I love myself, I want to start treating my body well and looking after my health.” 

It means you come from a place of you WANTING to do something rather than HAVING to do it. Plus, when life throws you off (which, let’s be honest, it will) all you have to do is go back to your anchor word. What would be the “brave” thing to do here? Am I being “open” here? Am I approaching this situation with “love”? 

ANYWAY, I hope that was helpful and means you can put your best foot forward going into to 2022. 

Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.

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