7 practical things you can do to move your romantic life forward

So I don’t know about you but when I was dating and ready to be in a long term relationship, I felt incredibly frustrated as I didn’t know what the hell I could ‘do’ to make it happen (recovering control freak obvs). I was on the apps, I was asking friends to set me up, I felt like a bloody meerkat when I was out, peering around at who came through the door! But still it felt like groundhog day, and to be honest it didn't feel easy, good or light. 


So, if you’re anything like me and love a few practical action points, here are 7 you can try! 


  1. Educate yourself on your love blueprint and patterning. This means connecting the past and present so you can gain clarity on your attachment style, your triggers, why you're attracted to certain people and bring awareness to the results you're getting. We all have a context, we all have certain expectations of love, we all act in certain ways that we think will get us love. So get exploring!

  2. Write a list of things you're thinking and doing that aren't going to help you find love. Get really honest and accountable here, so you know what your blindspots are. Next, write a wild and wonderful list of inspired action points for everything you COULD do to move closer to your dream - nothing is a silly idea, just put whatever comes up!

  3. Release what's holding you back by ending situations that don't feel good or letting go past relationships or hurt. You can do this by clearing out old messages, actively practicing forgiveness, or whatever feels good for you.

  4. Really get to know yourself, what you like, dislike, what you want for your future, what values guide you. Start asking yourself questions daily, looking to the future of what you dream of and taking yourself seriously.  Actively practice self-acceptance for who you are and all your quirks

  5. Build your confidence by speaking up, setting boundaries and daily acts of self-love. You can start small here by saying yes/ no to friends, clearing out old underwear, getting dressed up to go to the shops - treating yourself to that new haircut - whatever is going to increase your confidence.

  6. Write a list of what you'd love in a partner and how you would like it to feel. Now, focus on becoming the person in that list and giving yourself everything that you're looking for in a partner.

  7. Get excited for love and into that manifesting energy!! Really get into the energy of home and excitement that what you want is on its way. Start acting as if - even if it means clearing out a draw for that person in your room or buying a spare toothbrush. 

Let me know what you’re going to try this week and what your thoughts are!

Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.


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