The Compatibility Coach

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3 ways to boost your confidence in simple steps!

With every amazing woman I work with, there is always a common theme. As well as working on their love life, they want to work on building their confidence, usually for one of two reasons:

  • The empowered, sexy, confident woman they used to be got lost along the way and they want her back

  • They’ve spent years hiding and playing small and finally feel ready to step into their power, build their self-esteem and get what they deserve (in all areas of their lives)

Either way, I absolutely LOVE that they’re ready to slowly figure out who they truly are, outside of timelines, societal pressure and the daily bullsh*t that comes along. And yes, as clients will tell you, I do get quite teary-eyed when I see the steps they take and how happy they are for it.

But I don’t know about you, saying “I want to be more confident” kinda feels like an abstract concept. What is confidence? How do I get more of it? Can you measure it?

For me, being confident doesn’t JUST mean you love and respect yourself, it means owning who you are, and celebrating that. It means not changing who you are depending on your audience. It means you don’t abandon yourself to try and make someone love you. It means being ok if someone doesn’t get you. And it means you have the power to DO. To try new things.

And that’s really the key. To ‘become more confident’ really is a process of building it. Step by step. Brick by brick. You practice. You do. You rethink. So, here are three practical points on how to get started:

  1. Stop talking sh*t about yourself. Take a minute. How often do you put yourself down? Call yourself fat, or lazy, or useless? Beat yourself up for not getting a promotion, or for not being married, or having kids, or being lacking in some way? If a stranger came up to you on a daily basis and repeated all the worst things you thought about yourself, would that help your confidence? NOPE! So why do you do it to yourself? One of the best ways to interpret this bitchy little voice is to think of it as a stranger. Name your inner critic. Challenge her/him when they pop up. Start talking back. And then replace the horrible thoughts with new ones. Get chanting your new mantras about how amazing you are.

  2. Embody the person you want to be! A little hack that I do myself in business, is I think of someone who inspires me, and when I doubt myself, I ask what they would do! What would they be thinking? How would they show up? What move would they make? How would they dress? What’s their posture like? And I move towards that. It’s a little trick to get you practising being that confident, amazing woman. And if you’re past the stage of thinking about someone else, think about the woman you’re growing into and embody that!

  3. Practice, practice, practice. I truly believe you learn by doing. And the quickest way to confidence is through action. So every day, make one little action point that you can take to move you towards the confident person you want to be. This can be anything from trying a new lipstick, to signing up for a course, to going to a coffee shop on your own!

If you need anything, or would like to book a free call with me, please click below.