This is NOT going to get you dating success

πŸ‘‰ Let me guess, you're probably high achieving, busy, and don't want to waste time on the dating apps, so you'd rather cut to the chase… 


πŸ‘‰ In fact, you probably don't actually want to date or be on the apps, but it feels like a necessary evil as the pressure of time creeps in… 


(FYI if you want to up your energy and bring the joy back, I'm running a free masterclass on the 7 steps it takes to manifests love, you can register here) 


And usually what happens in this headspace,  is we put the β€˜work’ hat on and approach meeting someone as if it was a job. 


You try and be as efficient as possible, qualify leads quickly, scout for any potential threat or disruption, organise things to get them done, and start interviewing potential candidates.  


Which can result in people getting defensive on dating apps, not getting past the 3 date mark, or you attract people who need directing and looking after. 


In other words, you try and bulldoze your way through the dating dance, losing all enjoyment and flow. 


So, if you're stuck in this pattern, it's time to change your approach. To find the joy in dating again we need to: 


πŸ‘‰ Change your mindset. 

πŸ‘‰ Stand in your power AND lean feminine energy and trust

πŸ‘‰ Bring the flirty, playful side of you out

πŸ‘‰ Communicate in a way that is deeply attractive, rather being led by fear 


All these are things that can be learned, and it's exactly the kind of thing I'll be teaching in my group programme, Leading in Love.


BUT before that, if this email is nudging you, then on Tues 2nd May I'm running a free masterclass on the 7 steps it takes to manifests love, in celebration of my group coaching programme Leading in Love. You can join live or catch up, and you can register here! 

Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.

What makes YOU irresistible


Manifesting not working for you (yet)?