Self-love alone isn't gonna get you the relationship. You need this too 👉

Ever heard the phrase “You can’t love anyone else until you love yourself” and rolled your eyes. 

Yup I get it. Some of you will be sitting there thinking I do love myself and I think I’m pretty fooking great, but the relationship still isn’t following. 


Well for me there is a distinction between self-love AND self-respect, and we need both. 


Self-love means you care for yourself and treat yourself kindly. It means you accept yourself unconditionally (even when you eff up) and you recognise that you are valuable, whole and enough. It also means you’re not reliant on a partner to feel fulfilled, worthy and reassured. 


Self-respect on the other hand is about how you treat yourself and expect to be treated by others. This means you set boundaries, you speak up and tell people what you want and how you feel. You don’t let people mess you around and tolerate behaviour that undermines your self-worth. 


Both come with their challenges but both are vital in creating happy, healthy relationships (with yourself and others). 


Nail them both and not only will you feel a million dollars, but you’ll be a little magnet for available, normal, great people. 


And we will be working on BOTH of these aspects in myself and Carly-Ann’s brand-spanking new, LIVE, 5 week programme GLOW that will increase your self-esteem & confidence. Yes, you get two coaches for the price of one. 


And before we go any further, this is not an easy ‘live, laugh, love’ course where we talk flowery language about self love. Taught in two stages, GLOW will give you proven therapeutic & coaching tools needed to create long term change and take action. 


Phase 1: Challenge & Change Your Thoughts. Learn the techniques to reduce & manage critical and anxious thinking, and increase positive, balanced thinking.  


Phase 2: Challenge & Change Your Behaviour. Build an evidence based positive view of yourself through action and stepping out of your comfort zone. 


In other words you’ll learn the tools to help yourself


👉 Manage the inner voice that tells you you’re not good enough or there’s something wrong with you

👉 Become your own cheerleader and feel secure, content and happy

👉 Understand yourself, so you can accept, love & treat yourself well

👉 Set boundaries with friends, family, colleagues and romantic partners

👉 Be able to say ‘no’ when you want to, rather than ‘yes’ all the time

👉 Push yourself out of your comfort zone



đŸ’«Friends think you have it all together, but you feel a little lost, lonely and like something is missing

đŸ’«You get overwhelmed with doubts and self-critical thoughts which makes you feel anxious and unhappy

đŸ’« You feel inadequate in certain areas of life - whether it’s with your partner, on dates, at family gatherings, when out with friends

đŸ’« You’ve stopped taking risks like moving cities, travelling alone, falling in love, taking that job, speaking up, but you feel ready for a bigger life!  


You can check out all the info HERE and if you’re still not sure, you can book a quick call with us! Just email me back and I’ll get it set up.

Caitlin Smith

Caitlin, (otherwise known as The Compatibility Coach) is a Love & Relationship coach who helps amazing women ditch the heartbreak of dating emotionally unavailable partners, so they finally get the relationship they deserve.



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