The Compatibility Coach

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Why I get my clients clearing out their closets

Last week a client said to me:

“When I signed up for Love coaching, I never thought clearing out my house would be part of my homework…”

Point well made!

Now, there is a method to my madness, I promise! You see, a huge part of what I work on with clients is them learning to step back, let go and create the space they need to invite love in.

And with any gain, or change, or growth, comes some form of loss. Perhaps this could be the loss of your old identities. Loss of what you thought love might look like. Loss of anger, resentment, hurt. Loss of the patterns that have kept you where you are so far. Loss of the physical reminders of an ex.

So, for me, throughout the process, we need to be emotionally and sometimes physically letting go of what no longer serves us as a signal that we have the space for a new chapter.

One of my favourite ways to do this is by looking at your space.

Marianne Williamson: “Make room for love & it always comes. Make a nest for love and it always settles.”

What (and who) we surround ourselves with, is what we live day in and day out. So perhaps this weekend, have a little look around. Ask yourself what you could clear out. Ask yourself what you’re holding on to. Is it old texts or emails from an ex? Is it a load of old clothes that isn’t really you any more?

Could you perhaps clear out the other bedside table or a small draw so it’s ready for when your future partner?

Then ask yourself if your space is ready to have someone else in it? Do you like being in it? Is it warm, welcoming and your little haven? If not, what little changes could you make?

On a personal note, before I met my husband I rearranged the furniture in my room, bought an extra bedside table, made sure there were enough pillows for two people and got rid of all the reminders I’d had of horrible exes, so I’m not asking you do to anything I wouldn’t 😜

I’ll be sharing more weird and wonderful coaching tips to help you attract your dream relationship in my free Masterclass this Tuesday! If you can’t make it live at 7PM, there will be a replay available.

This is for women who are ready to lead in their own love lives and attract an emotionally available, committed partner, when THEY want one. I'll be sharing:

👉🏼 The crucial mindset shift that makes love more fun so you can let go of those timelines and tick boxes

👉🏼 How to recognise and navigate what’s keeping you stuck in your love life so you can get out of the rut you’re in (fast)

👉🏼 The step by step formula that I teach all clients, (the same formula which helped me go from serial dater to engaged within a year)

👉🏼 How to tell the difference EARLY on between emotionally available and unavailable to save you time and heartache

👉🏼 How to instantly shift how your love life feels

👉🏼 Q&A