The Compatibility Coach

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What makes YOU irresistible

Hi lovely,

Did you know that there is a one in 400 trillion chance that YOU got created. Aka that the specific egg + sperm met and you were the result. 


Mad isn’t it. I want you to remember that every time you start comparing yourself to someone else, or being horrible to yourself or questioning why you haven’t been ‘chosen’. 


It’s a miracle that you are standing (or sitting) here today, reading this. Every single one of us is meant to be here and is totally unique. And that’s your superpower. 


So, when it comes to love, we need to stop moulding ourselves, trying to be what we think other people want. We need to stop playing small and hiding and not speaking up. 


When I’m working with clients, they don’t change who they are, or take bits away, we simply work on allowing them to be more of themselves. They embrace the parts of themselves that they hide away and think are embarrassing. They belly laugh on dates. They talk about their love for Harry Potter or true crime (well, I did). They are unapologetic in who they are and what they are looking for. They set boundaries. They walk away when they’re not being treated with respect and consistency. 


(Watch the video on HOW to do this here)


And this really is the core of what I work on with clients - it’s rebuilding everything from the inside out, so your foundations are secure and solid, so you have the confidence to expect the best and expect love. 


For me, being confident doesn’t mean you love and respect yourself, it means owning who you are. And not changing it depending on your audience. You don’t abandon yourself to make someone love you. You show up being you.


So, take a minute. Think of where you are now. How often do you put yourself down? Call yourself fat, or lazy, or useless? Beat yourself up for not getting a promotion, or for not being married, or having kids, or being lacking in some way? 


I get it, I’ve been there, and I still have days where I think and do all those things. But the important thing is I know how to pull myself out and draw on confidence that I am enough. That I’ll be ok. That I have amazing things to offer. 


So that’s what I want to help you with. It’s about giving you the space to become more of you, without apology! 


Let me know what changes you're going to make this week to celebrate you