The Compatibility Coach

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The reality of raising your standards when dating 🥴

I was thinking earlier about a client I worked with last year, who, after years of being single, met her long term partner within 9 months of committing to changing her romantic patterns. 

But a few months before I got that joyful news, I got a very different kind of message. 


She was tearing her hair out and feeling super despondent. Since finishing working together, she felt the calibre of men on dating apps had actually got WORSE, not better. MORE ghosting, MORE crap communication, MORE red flags. 


And I felt for her, but I was also secretly pleased. 


Because it wasn’t the men on dating apps who had changed, it was her. 


There had always been the ghosters, the breadcrumbers, the one night standers. She just finally wasn’t accepting that as normal. 


She’d raised her standards and now the people who couldn’t match that shining like a giant red flag. 


And that’s the reality of doing this work - things might seem to get worse, before they get better, 


🥴 Yes, there will be less people to date

🥴 Yes, you might have to wait a little longer

🥴 Yes, you might feel like you’ve got less attention than before, because you’re not entertaining people

🥴 Yes, things might even seem a little… boring… without the drama and chasing… 


But it also means that you will…

👉 Have so much more energy time and headspace to build a life you love

👉 The people you do meet will treat you better than you ever realised

👉 You will fall in love with your own company

👉 Love finally feels calm 


And I know what I’d rather for you, beautiful. 


I hear too many stories about people accepting (and chasing) half assed effort, breadcrumbs from unavailable guys, or attention in the form of pen pals. 


This is why I have four modules in Leading in Love solely dedicated to:

❣️ Building confidence

❣️ Stepping into a magnetic dating energy

❣️ Looking at feminine vs masculine dating styles

❣️ Creating boundaries

❣️ Learning how to communicate

❣️ Figuring out who is right for you, based on your core values and compatibility

❣️ Learning how to master the dating dance, so you don’t go back to your old ways 

So, if you’re ready to work with me, you can book your call to talk it through HERE