The Compatibility Coach

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Manifesting not working for you (yet)?

Feel like you're doing all the ‘manifesting’ things, such as writing your lists, visualising putting it out there to the universe what you want, but it STILL ain't working? 


And I get that. But from someone who went from relationship NIGHTMARE to engaged within a year, calling that partner in isn't all sunshine and roses. 


For me, manifesting can almost be split into two parts - the healing work + the calling in part! 


(FYI I'm running a free masterclass on the 7 steps it takes to manifests love, you can register here) 

The healing work might include things like: 


❣️ Forgiveness (of yourself and others)

❣️Learning how to regulate your emotions & self-soothe

❣️Inner child work

❣️ Exploring your attachment tendency

❣️Rewiring unconscious belief patterns 

❣️ Looking for your growth edge 

❣️ Managing your inner critic 

❣️ Releasing of shame and guilt


The calling in part might look like: 


💛 Aligning your behaviour to what you want, e.g setting boundaries, upping your standards 

💛 Upleveling your dating and communication skill set 

💛 Getting into that juicy, expansive energy and vibe 

💛 Getting clear on what you want 

💛 Creating more love into your life 

💛 mixing feminine and masculine energies 

💛 Letting go of control and stepping into trust 


We don’t jump straight in to the ole dating and flirting techniques, because as fun as it is, it just means as soon as you’re bored, or uncomfortable or your trust gets broken, you’ll go straight back to what you’ve always done! (and probably your ex) 


But we don't stay in the healing space, because you need to up your energy and skill set to move forward! 


In other words, because like attracts like, you have to grow yourself to be the person that can hold space for the relationship you want.


And I don’t just mean any relationship.

The healthy, amazing, expansive, beautiful one that is out there for you. 

I LOVE manifesting, I LOVE working with people to create healthy happy relationships, but we commit to the process. Which means becoming the most authentic, fabulous version of yourself.

Even if we have to do some clearing out first.


If this email is nudging you, then on Tues 2nd May I'm running a free masterclass on the 7 steps it takes to manifests love, in celebration of my group coaching programme Leading in Love. You can join live or catch up, and you can register here!