The Compatibility Coach

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Can you really ‘Call In The One?’ Let’s talk about manifesting

So a big hype /talking point at the moment in personal development is ‘Manifestation’. (everywhere I turn there seems to be another book just written). And most importantly, whether you can ‘manifest’ (basically call in/ attract) into your life the thing you desire, whether it’s a car, house, job, money, or, indeed, a relationship.

Now, I truly do believe we have the power to attract and choose the life we want, but I believe it’s actually a lot more practical than a lot of coaches will peddle. For me, it’s not just about ‘positive thinking’ (because, no one thinks positively 100% of the time, it’s bullsh*t and does more harm than good).

For me, there are three parts to the manifestation puzzle, which I teach all my clients (I mean I even have a section called ‘Attract’, so you can tell I love it).

  1. Think

  2. Feel

  3. Act

Pretty simple huh? But what does it mean? Ok, so as you're here reading this, the thing you might want to ‘call in’ is the relationship of your dreams, or a dating life that feels GREAT, so let’s use that as an example.

So, the first thing we do is look at your thoughts and beliefs around the thing you desire. The reason that this is so crucial, is because you’re not going to get something that you don’t believe you can actually have. For example, if you desperately want to find love, but the desperation is really a panicked inner belief that you won’t meet anyone, or fear that you’ll be alone, or comes from a need for someone to ‘fix’ you, then that tends to be reflected in your relationship. You either won’t meet anyone, will sabotage or reject something great, or you will meet someone to exacerbate those fears. We need to do the mindset & CBT work to actually get you believing you can have it, and are EXCITED for it.

Which brings me nicely on to my second point. If you want to attract people into your life, you must FEEL the love, believe it is possible for you, and cultivate a state of excitement and expectancy that it’s on its way for you (FYI this might not be 100% of the time, so give yourself a break). Basically, you need to feel the feeling as if you already have it. Now, in my experience there is a very uncomfortable part where you have to let old beliefs, patterns and some people go, trusting that something better is on its way, without any evidence. Which is hard. It’s also hard to feel something that you might not have had before. So the more work you do around this area, the quicker it will come. One of the things I found so helpful to do around this area was visualisation - I’ve created a free one here for you to try. But gratitude practices, mindfulness, dancing, walking, seeing friends - anything that brings you joy and makes you glad to feel alive helps with this!

Now, onto the third and crucial point - the DOING part, which is something I see so many coaches forget to mention it. Your actions have to align with your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes the ‘action’ part is the hardest as it means letting go, it means making space for new things, it means saying no to people who no longer serve you. It means making a commitment to yourself and to love. But I’m serious, It’s no good thinking you want a great date, and being excited for it, and then not going on any. It’s no good saying you want a great relationship and then continuing to be in touch with people who don’t want one. The power of choice is so incredibly important. And the action and the doing is the reason why I see so many amazing women who attend my events, or masterclasses, or coach with me, getting the results they want. Because they commit. They act. They say yes. They say no.

So, if you want to manifest something you desire, then use the steps above to do a lil inventory of your thoughts, feelings and actions. And make a plan accordingly - how would you rate yourself believing that you can get what you want from 1-10? What do you do well? What needs to be worked on? What needs to change asap, and make some action steps!

I hope you all have a gorgeous week!

Love Caitlin

P.S I’m also looking for FOUR amazing women to work with this Feb - yes I have one more space than usual! This is for women who are ready to make changes romantically. If this is you, book your free 30 min call and we’ll see if we’re a good match.