The Compatibility Coach

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5 journaling prompts to get to the bottom of your naughty patterns

So when I ask most people how ready they are to meet someone, they usually say 10. They’ve been waiting for years and they want it now! 


But when we then explore how ready they are to try something a leeetle different, the 10 usually drops like a hot potato. 


Because like any goal, in order to achieve something that is not yet part of our reality, we have to grow ourselves into the person who can hold and make space for the thing we want. 


For example, if I decided to run a marathon (no thanks, but hear me out), I would have to start training, look at nutrition, give up my fun boozy week nights and weekends, work on my mindset, keep myself motivated, carve out LOADS of time and space and make it a priority. And I would have to bloody commit, even when it was raining and cold and soooooo much more comfortable to stay in bed! 


The same is true for your love life. 


It might involve: 


👉 Getting really honest about your negative nancy mindset when it comes to dating

👉  Looking at what thoughts and language no longer serve you

👉 Planning what you want more of in the future

👉 Looking at your patterns and how you’re showing up

👉 Saying goodbye to your ex or giving up the unavailable men. 


It’s about taking back control, feeling empowered and looking at what our responsibility is. Because we have the ability to choose what comes into our life. 


But, like with anything, it’s a helluva lot easier to keep going on autopilot. To look at fixing the external. To get back on the apps. To just keep going round and round in circles. 


SO this week, take a closer look. I want you to get really honest about your patterns and just what is going on. The only way to break this cycle is to take radical responsibility for your own love life. Because thinking (or knowing) that someone isn’t working, isn’t the same as doing something about it. 


So here are 5 prompts to get to the bottom of what might just be holding you back: 


🤔 What results am I getting again and again in my love life?

🤔 What are the emotional themes that come up regularly? (Such as disappointment, feeling not good enough)

🤔 If I was really honest, how am I showing up in a way that keeps these stories and results alive? (Look at your thoughts, language and behaviour)

🤔 Do these patterns benefit me in any way?

🤔 What is this pattern trying to teach me? 


If you’d like to go deeper on this one, then you can check out my masterclass, How To Break The Cycle Of Toxic (Or Boring) Dating Patterns


This Masterclass will help you figure out why you’re attracted to the people you are. You’ll understand how to dial down any limiting beliefs and naughty behaviour that is holding you back. You’ll also learn how to implement a four step process to instantly make your love life feel better, and step into that juicy, confident energy so you can manifest the relationship you deserve.