The Compatibility Coach

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13 lessons I had to learn before I met my husband

I was recording a podcast yesterday that made me reflect on how I used to show up in my romantic life. I desperately wanted to be in a relationship, but the truth was I was far from ready. 


Things only really changed for me when I got accountable for the results I was creating and I was able to see the growth and lessons in all the sh*t dates, ghosting and crap behaviour I'd experienced! 

I realised there was a difference in wanting something and actually being ready enough to hold space for it. 


SO, here are the 13 things I wished I'd learned sooner when dating. 


1. Be open to what love looks and feels like


2. The emotional rollercoaster you’re on isn’t normal


3. You can be anxious to be loved, and avoidant when faced with it, you have to learn to manage it


4. It’s ok to feel lost and lonely and ask for help (hello)


5. Someone might like you, but might still not be ready or available. Let them go


6. Love is meant to feel calm, so don’t confuse anxiety & drama with the spark.


7. The loudest guy in the room probably isn’t the one


8. That feeling that something is wrong - that’s your intuition, don’t ignore it


9. You can’t fall in love without feeling vulnerable


10. Unresolved trauma and insecurities doesn’t go away in relationships


11. Your childhood patterns are usually replicated in your romantic ones


12. You will continue to reject healthy love until you feel worthy of It.


13. Learn to feel, process and regulate your own emotions before expecting someone else to


Every single one of these lessons I learned the hard way. I spent years on an emotional rollercoaster of not feeling good enough, chasing unavailable men and not letting people in.


How much simpler my romantic life would have been if love & dating coaches were a thing back in the day 😜


SO, if you want to dig deeper into what is holding you back in your love life, here’s a list of how we can make progress together!


👉 3 month 1:1 package to really dig deep and bring the joy back to manifesting love. I’m looking for three wonderful new clients. You can book your call to chat it through here 

👉 1 off hour and half coaching session with HW & follow up. I have 4 spots available this month and next!

👉 Various webinars you can buy for £10-£15 (reply to this for options)

👉 Podcast called All About Love

👉 Instagram